For the leader or employee who wants to embark on improving professional wellbeing—their organization’s or their own—a great way to start is to consider level of training. Does your organization offer specific training for specific jobs? Do you feel technically ready...
Employees’ autonomy, or their level of control over how they achieve their goals, can have an incredible impact on employees’ professional wellbeing. Allowing for as much autonomy as possible helps individuals feel encouraged and in control, increasing their...
Poor professional wellbeing may bleed into many other areas, such as overall happiness, family satisfaction, and even life satisfaction. Many things contribute to an individual’s level of professional wellbeing, including whether work is meaningful, how fair they...
Many factors impact an individual’s professional wellbeing, including whether they have autonomy over their work, to what extent there is bureaucracy at the organization, and the quality of their relationships with coworkers. Another area leaders and individuals can...
Research and experience have demonstrated that too many demands in the workplace take a toll on a person’s health and wellbeing. But what about having too few demands? What does the literature tell us about work underload? A 2010 study looked at employees who...
Many aspects of work changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including employees’ workload. In a survey conducted by FlexJobs in partnership with Mental Health America, 37% of participants reported working more hours during the COVID-19 pandemic than they had...
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