In recent years, employee engagement in the workplace has greatly changed. By the end of 2023, only 30% of workers in the U.S. said they felt truly involved in their jobs, down from 33% the year before. This drop means about 4.8 million fewer employees feel engaged at work.

In 2020, the number of engaged employees was at its highest, with 36% saying they were highly involved in their work. Even though there’s been a decrease recently, the current level is still higher than at any time between 2000 and 2013.

This blog will discuss employee engagement changes, how engagement influences your company, and what employers or human resource professionals can do to boost engagement.

What is Employee Engagement and Why is it Important?

Employee engagement is about how much employees care about their jobs and the company. Engaged employees go above and beyond, doing more than what’s expected. They want the company to do well, so they work hard and always try to improve.

For example, an engaged employee might help new people, stay late to finish work, or pitch in at work events. 

So, why does it matter? It’s a big deal because keeping good employees is hard these days. A study showed that most companies find it tougher to keep their staff happy than to hire new ones.

There are so many positives to having engaged employees. A workplace of engaged employees will:

Reduce turnover: When employees are happy, they don’t leave their jobs as often, which is good for your organization. Furthermore, absenteeism is 81% less when staff is happy and engaged.


Get more done: Engaged employees work harder and get more done, so the company does better overall. Companies with higher employee engagement report 18% more productivity.


Provide better customer service: Happy employees give better service and make customers happier, which is good for business. They can lead to a 43% reduced turnover.


Increase revenue long-term: Engaged employees help companies earn 23% more profit. An engaged staff contributes to the success of the organization.


Why Are Employees Feeling Less Engaged?

Gallup discovered that individuals born after 1997 felt less engaged at work, with a 6% drop in engagement. Hybrid workers were the least affected. 

But why do employees feel less engaged? These are some reasons cited by employees:

  1. Increased screen time: The shift towards more screen time and less face-to-face interaction may lead to decreased human connection and engagement at work.
  2. Lack of meaningful experiences: Employees may feel disengaged when their work lacks meaning or fails to provide them with fulfilling experiences or a sense of purpose.
  3. Disconnect from workplace culture: Employees yearn for people-centric workplace cultures that foster community, connection, and a sense of belonging.
  4. Limited flexibility: Disengagement is often felt among employees who feel their employers don’t offer flexibility when they can. This leads to dissatisfaction and decreased motivation.
  5. Unmet psychological needs: Employee fulfillment is derived from fundamental psychological needs such as community, purpose, personal growth, and autonomy over work methods, which, when unmet, contribute to disengagement.
  6. Desire for meaningful work: Employees seek more than just a transactional relationship with their organization; they desire meaningful work experiences that align with their values and aspirations.

Strategies for Improving Engagement

Human resource professionals can play an incredible role in boosting employee engagement. Here are some strategies you can implement to improve employee engagement.

  • Offer a mix of in-office and remote work options. Let employees choose what works best for them.
  • Ensure everyone knows what’s expected of them. Moreover, provide managers with training and support to guide their teams well.
  • Implement solid onboarding programs to help new employees settle in comfortably into the company culture. Provide them with the necessary tools and resources for success from day one.
  • Take a comprehensive approach to employee well-being. Offer diverse wellness programs, resources, and support services to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Encourage managers to be supportive and take an active role in promoting employee engagement. They should practice regular communication, take feedback, and recognize achievements, creating a positive work environment.
  • Guide managers to stay in touch and conduct regular check-ins with remote workers to see how they’re doing. This will also keep them connected to the company’s goals and address any concerns.
  • Show how each person’s job makes a difference. Highlight their work’s impact and how it contributes to the company’s mission and success. 
  • Promote social interaction among employees, whether through virtual platforms or in-person gatherings.


Employee engagement is crucial in shaping the success of any organization. This drop in employee engagement is important for your organization to take note of—so you can be sure to implement policies that strengthen and empower your employees. By taking productive measures such as promoting clear communication, meaningful work, and employee well-being, you can help create a motivated workforce.



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